St.Gallen Pfalz

The UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site is a venue for conferences, parties and exhibitions.

The abbey district of St.Gallen is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and provides a beautiful backdrop for conventions, celebrations and exhibitions. The ‹Pfalzkeller› premises comprise two impressive vaults – the ‹Pfalzkeller› itself and the ‹Hofkeller› – with the new square designed by architect Santiago Calatrava. These special rooms are particularly suited for receptions with refreshments, exhibitions, banquets and occasions of all kinds.

Venue halls

Hall Concert Seminar Banquet
Ratsstübli - - 48
Pfalzkeller - - 240
Forum vor Pfalzkeller 280 60 120
Hofkeller 140 40 100
Kantonsratssaal - 180 -


St.Gallen Pfalz

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